Studies show that 70% of college graduates tell that they are yet to discover how to put what they learnt to doing something they are really good at.

Our best-kept secret that helps discover your child’s true potential

Let us help you understand your child’s needs and help them ACTUALLY learn!

A learning blueprint for your child that saves years of experimentation in one week!

we almost forgot to break the news that

it's FREE!!!

Who said the best things in life are no longer free?

2,000 +
Students Impacted
78 %
Students have seen an improvement in marks/grades
Hours taught


I tried to put him in online classes. But they were just recorded videos with only chat interaction. I tried home tutors.

Not only were the good ones really expensive, but they were not dependable or regular and left Aadi stranded when he had his exams.

I TRIED EVERYTHING – And then I realized what was going wrong…

NONE OF THEM TREATED MY CHILD AS AN INDIVIDUAL – They were treating all children in the same manner.

But each child is different and has different needs, different learning styles and different learning capacities. We need to understand that first before we can plan to make them learn.

None of the solutions available in the market were doing that.

That is why we founded AFTERMYSCHOOL!

Sunita Modi, Co-founder After My School

What we do…

How we do it…

Learn About the Learner

With the help of Concept Evaluation Tests (CETs), regular interaction, constant observation of classes
Regular and Daily Tuition
1 hour class daily from Monday to Saturday, along with regular assignments and tests
Scientific Analysis of the Learning Style of the students
Concept Evaluation Tests (CETs), LSRW Tests, Student Academic Plan Meetings, Student Academic Plan
Live Interaction with Trained Tutors
Live Interaction on Zoom with tutors trained specifically for online education
Customised Student Academic Plans (SAPs), regular meetings with parents and academic team for feedback and to understand expectations
Actual Learning
We believe in conceptual learning and encourage our children to understand the concepts and apply them with the help of interactive and engaging classes instead of just reading from a textbook
Targeted Improvement in Marks/Grades
In our Student Academic Plan (SAP) we mention our targeted marks as well and percentage of improvement based on what we have learnt about our learners
Prompt Response to Issues
Our dedicated Customer Relationship Team is constantly working hard to ensure that each and every child in our system gets the very best
What we do…

How we do it…

Learn About the Learner

With the help of Concept Evaluation Tests (CETs), regular interaction, constant observation of classes
Regular and Daily Tuition
1 hour class daily from Monday to Saturday, along with regular assignments and tests
Scientific Analysis of the Learning Style of the students
Concept Evaluation Tests (CETs), LSRW Tests, Student Academic Plan Meetings, Student Academic Plan
Live Interaction with Trained Tutors
Live Interaction on Zoom with tutors trained specifically for online education
Customised Student Academic Plans (SAPs), regular meetings with parents and academic team for feedback and to understand expectations
Actual Learning
We believe in conceptual learning and encourage our children to understand the concepts and apply them with the help of interactive and engaging classes instead of just reading from a textbook
Targeted Improvement in Marks/Grades
In our Student Academic Plan (SAP) we mention our targeted marks as well and percentage of improvement based on what we have learnt about our learners
Prompt Response to Issues
Our dedicated Customer Relationship Team is constantly working hard to ensure that each and every child in our system gets the very best

Every child is unique,

so why should they learn in the same way?

At AfterMySchool every child is unique and so is the way they are guided to learn

Still not convinced?

Call or Whatsapp : +919177008888