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What is After My School?
After My School is a new age Education Company , founded and run by alumni of Indian Institute of management who, collectively, have more than 100 years of experience. Using their collective experience and thorough research in learning methodologies , they have developed proprietary tools and processes which help a child realize their full academic potential. The unique process of AfterMySchool assesses gaps in the conceptual clarity of a child, and then draws up a time bound action plan for bridging those gaps. The unique technique is called “Filling The Blanks” technique.
How The AMS System works
The AMS learning system is based on the principles of Bloom’s taxonomy (see the diagram). With our system, your child gets expert guidance by the tutor. This guidance not only helps him to gain knowledge (level 1) but to also understand the concepts (level 2). In most of the cases, the child starts to apply the learned concepts to specific subjects as well (level 3).
Our system focuses on achieving the Educational Outcomes as defined by the Secondary Education Boards in India. While the regular schools also strive hard to achieve the same, it needs to be hardly emphasized that a child needs to ‘complement’ what he studies in school. We complement it by regular ‘After School Work (ASK)’.
Our AMS system ensures that the same is done in a structured and regular manner. The system works in sync with the classes in your child’s school, and keeps your child up-to-date in the concepts learned in school by regular day-to-day revision and completion of homework.
Benefits of After School worK (ASK)
- Tailor-made, just-as-much-as-needed assistance with daily after-school work.
- Tutoring imparted, on the need basis, based on the gaps in concepts.
- Pressure free ambiance and relaxed student-tutor relation to ensuring happy, positive and constructive sessions.
- Emphasis on ‘learning to learn’ – Truly comprehending questions, arriving at the answers on their own and learning to tackle similar questions in future.
- Appreciation by teachers, approval by peers and increased self-esteem.
- Morale and confidence building of your child through timely and up-to-the-standard assignments.
- Available from comfort of your home.
Filling the Blanks

- A child has to complete a set of Concept Evaluation Tests (CET) up on joining AMS. The tests check the conceptual clarity up to the previous class and generate a comprehensive report to pinpoint the concept-wise gaps, which need to be addressed.
- The AMS tutor, based on the above report, makes a year-long development plan, or Student Academic Plan (SAP), for the child to ‘fill the gaps’. The same plan is implemented along with the regular day-to-day revision and homework. Live interactive sessions, videos and specialized assignments are used for the same. The parents receive regular feedback- at least once a month- on the progress made.
- Regular day-to-day revision, of the lessons completed in school, is done using our proven methodology of APPR – Assess, Prepare, Practice and Re-assess (see the diagram).
- Our Chapter-Wise Tests (CWT) and assessments help the tutor in tracking comprehension of the child in each chapter, as they are completed in school, and fill the gaps- if any- by focused tutoring.
- ASK Diary and Google Classroom, are tools which are integral to the ASK class, they track the day-to-day revision, homework and also help parents track the completion of after school work on a daily basis.

Poshika Juneja
Name of student: Poshika Juneja
– Class: 8
– Parent’s Name: Mrs. Sonia Juneja
– City of Stay: Panchkula
AMS online tuition is very helpful! The concept of evaluation and test to assess the child’s gaps in the concepts of each subject and gave me an accurate record of my child progress. My child has shown improvement in all subjects. AMS is helping my child to complete all the after-school work and clarify all her doubts. I am very happy with the performance of my child!
Poshika Juneja

Vanshika Khandelwal
Name of student: Vanshika Khandelwal
– Class: 5
– Parent’s Name: Mrs. Sonika Khandelwal
– City of Stay: Dahod
AMS is providing safe classes for kids along with the preparation for exams. This is a very nice and impressive class!
Vanshika Khandelwal

Archit Bajpai
Name -Archit Bajpai.
Parent’s name- Mrs. Anshu Bajpai.
City- Mumbai
AfterMySchool is a second home for my child. The tutor is very kind, lovely and cooperative with all students. All organization members are very punctual and sincere. Teaching methods are very supportive and efficient!
Archit Bajpai

Nikunj Rathi
Name of Student: Nikunj Rathi
Class: 10th
Parents’ Names: Mr. Ghanshyam Das Rathi & Mrs. Rupa Rathi
Place of Stay: Hyderabad
Nikunj has been a part of AfterMySchool for 5 months now and we have seen an improvement in his grades all because of AMS!
Nikunj Rathi

Nami & Namith Biju
Name of students – Nami & Namith Biju
Class: 4 & 7
Parents’ Name- Mrs. Smruthi Biju
City of Stay- Bangalore
After AMS my childrens’ interaction in class has improved a lot. Their conceptual analysis skills have improved as well!